Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wiki So Far

So far, I have updated the Cloud Computing page to include information about Dropbox, as well as the Dropbox logo for reference. Dropbox is a major cloud storage solution that should be included on any page describing cloud storage solutions. In addition, I would like to add more content to religion, which is a large part of my life. Since there is a lot of content online related to religion in New Media, I will include references to those in future updates. Finally, music is an area that interests me, but since there is already a lot of content there, I will edit content on streaming services as the area continues to grow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joanne, cloud computing have and is fundamentally changing how we function as a society. There will be nothing that you do in the future that does not have an interaction with a cloud computing environment. Every business, transaction, etc. will interact with a cloud somewhere. This is a great field to be in the early years. It used to be that we had large mainframe computers that we accessed using dumb terminals. Then the IT paradigm shifted to distributed computing where the control of data and content resided on the computer of the "individual". Cloud computing has returned us to the terminal to host (computer to mainframe) model. However, this is with a twist. The user controls the content but the content lives at a cloud provider's system. It gives the illusion of the user having control as with a distributed system. However, if Amazon went down for an extended period of time, the avg. user would feel it due to orders they can't place or their books on Kindle would suddenly be unavailable - scary thought!
